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Do granular shocks generate sizeable aggregate volatility?

Journal of Evolutionary Economics PDF



Transient dynamics of the COVID lockdown on India's production network

Journal of Economic Internaction and Coordination PDF



Disequilibrium propagation of quantity constraints: An application to the COVID lockdowns

Macroeconomic Dynamics PDF

Distributed knowledge and the organization of economic activity

Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory PDF 



Monetary dynamics in a network economy 

Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control  PDF | Appendix



The economic cost of COVID lockdowns: An out-of-equilibrium analysis

Economics of Disasters and Climate Change PDF



The price effects of monetary shocks in a network economy

Journal of Economic Behavior & Organisation PDF



Spatial competition with interacting agents

International Journal of Microsimulation PDF



Coordination in centralized and decentralized systems

International Journal of Microsimulation PDF



The complexity of coordination 

The Eastern Economic Journal PDF



Out-of-equilibrium dynamics with heterogeneous capital goods

New Mathematics and Natural Computation PDF




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